Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summer Camp at Home week 8: World Music | Tropic Home

Summer Camp at Home week 8: World MusicWorld music is a great theme for a week of Summer Camp at Home for fun and learning

World music is a great theme for a week of Summer Camp at Home for fun and learning

Phew! Friends, are you feeling it? That midsummer lull? The end of summer is just weeks away and I?ve already bought school supplies, but I want to hang on to every drop of summer I can. This week?s Summer Camp at Home will be a fun, relaxing one with World Music as the theme.

(My post is late this week because my computer died due to some mysterious water damage. Hmmm?. My husband is a rock star for surprising me with a new laptop!)

In previous Summer Camps at Home, we used It?s a Small World as a way to explore the world?s cultures. I thought it would be fun to change it up this year and use music as a way to do that. My family loves music, so that?s why I think this week will be fun and relaxing. Just pick a few styles of music from around the world that you and your kids can get into, and use them as a jumping-off point for learning! Get inspired at National Geographic World Music and Putumayo Kids.

Field Trips

Last weekend, we went to a music store. We looked at different kinds of instruments. I pointed out the different sizes of instruments and asked my boys what kind of sound they thought each would make. Smaller instruments usually make a higher-pitched sound, while larger instruments tend to make a lower, louder sound. The percussion section of the store had some interesting instruments we don?t usually see!

I plan to take my 4-year-old to a free concert this week, which is taking place while my older son is at camp with his occupational therapist. You can check your local events for free concerts too.

This week, we also might do some non-music-related activities like going to the beach or going bowling.

Language Skills

Going to the library every week has become a habit we look forward to. I was surprised to count how many books we have read for both the library?s reading program and my 6-year-old?s school reading program. Both the library and the school are offering rewards for reading! The boys didn?t want books about music or other countries this week, and I am OK with that. We can still learn through other sources.

Play and Learn

This week, we are musicians, of course. It will be fun to jam while we listen to different songs from around the world! If you have any kind of instrument at home that the kids can play, be sure to bring it out. If you don?t have a kid-friendly instrument, you can make some as a craft, borrow from a friend or invest in a music toy.

Kids enjoy music class!

Kids enjoy music class!

Aside from just playing, music education is a great idea for children. If you?re interested, look into Music Together, Little Wing or Kindermusik programs near you.

Older children ? starting at around age 6 or 7 ? can look into taking music lessons. Some music stores offer free introductory classes. Some children?s music programs offered by cities or counties are inexpensive and a good way for kids to see if they like playing an instrument.

Crafting and Art

If we focus on one style of music each day, we can use that as a way to think about something we want to make. For example, one day we will look at Caribbean styles of music like Bahamian rake and scrape, Jamaican reggae and Cuban salsa. This Jamaican doctor bird craft is so cute, my kids would love to make it. (It?s also legit to go Pirates of the Caribbean in your crafting.)


Use push-pins or stickers on a map to mark the origin of each music style you focus on. Or, use Google Maps or an app to do that digitally.


Math is a big part of music. If you are familiar with musical notation, you can show kids whole notes, half notes and quarter notes and how they indicate the amount of time (counting) each note lasts.

Even if you don?t know music, you can look up counting on YouTube or download a metronome app and use that with your kids. Which of your favorite songs is the fastest? Which are the slowest?

Pinned It

Although we are right at August?s door and the better part of summer is behind us, you might still find good ideas at 101 Days of Summer Fun for Kids, found at this Pin.

This would be a great time to look at anything on your summer bucket list you haven?t done yet and make it happen before school starts.

Make it a great week!


Rupert Sanders penn state Ernie Els

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