Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tweet of the Day: Liberal Economics 101

Ladies and gentlemen, the genius economic prowess of Matthew Yglesias:


Cue the virtual eye-rolls on Twitter:



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Ex-agent recalls 'paranoia' about Whitey Bulger's FBI connections

U.S. Marshals Service via Reuters

Former mob boss and fugitive James "Whitey" Bulger is shown in this 2011 booking photo. Prosecutors say 19 people were killed by Bulger's hand or at his order.

By Richard Valdmanis, Reuters

BOSTON?? FBI files about mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger were locked into a fireproof safe in the bureau's Boston office to keep them from the prying eyes of corrupt agents who would leak them to criminals, a retired agent testified on Wednesday.

"I had (files) placed in a safe, I think it was even fireproof, in my office, and I could then lock the door of my office," ex-agent Fred Davis told the jury. Lawyers defending Bulger in his murder and racketeering trial had called him to the stand to buttress its case that Boston's FBI office was corrupt and mismanaged when it was investigating their client in the 1970s and 80s.

Bulger has been charged with participating in 19 murders while running the feared Winter Hill crime gang. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges, although his attorneys have admitted he was involved in organized crime.

Bulger also has denied being an FBI informant. He said he paid agents for information, but never gave any of his own.

Davis said he was not the only one at the FBI's Boston office who worried that Bulger was getting tips from corrupt agents.

"I called it paranoia," Davis said before describing his method of keeping files secure. "There was concern there were agents in the office that might have been leaking information," he said, naming confessed corrupt former agents John Connolly and John Morris.

"When Connolly would walk into our squad area, some of our agents would really get nervous about him being there. It was like the bull getting into the China shop," he said.

Bulger's story has captured Boston's imagination for decades and revealed a dark period for the FBI, when corrupt agents who listed Bulger as an informant gave the mobster tips that helped him identify snitches and evade arrest for his gang's extortion, gambling rackets and drug smuggling.

Connolly is now serving a 40-year prison sentence after being convicted of racketeering and murder. Morris was granted immunity and testified against Bulger earlier in the trial.

Earlier on Wednesday, another former FBI agent, James Crawford said a female informant close to senior Winter Hill associate Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi had told him Flemmi wanted to kill Halloran for talking to the FBI. Crawford said he told his supervisor and other agents at the time but was told the tip would be put on the "back burner."

"At that time an FBI informant and an innocent victim were murdered," Bulger attorney J.W. Carney asked Crawford. "Yes," Crawford replied.

Halloran was killed in 1982 along with unintended victim Michael Donahue, and prosecutors contend Bulger was the gunman.

Prosecutors cross-examined Crawford, who admitted he had never been involved in any investigations related to Bulger.

Prosecutors put some of Bulger's closest partners in crime on the stand. They recalled an era when gun-toting gangsters dumped bodies under bridges or buried them in earthen basements and exchanged information with corrupt FBI agents in a bloody struggle for money and power.

Gangsters who confessed to participating in murder, John "The Executioner" Martorano, Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi and Kevin Weeks, vividly described Bulger strangling women, gunning down rivals and "rats" who talked too much, and demanding money at gunpoint from other criminals or local business owners.

Bulger fled Boston after a 1994 tip from a corrupt FBI official and spent 16 years as a fugitive before law enforcement caught him hiding out in a seaside apartment in California in 2011, with a stash of money and guns.

His attorneys plan to call a handful of witnesses starting on Monday, but they have not made clear whether Bulger, whose story inspired Martin Scorsese's Academy Award-winning film "The Departed," will take the stand himself.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Bradley Manning-WikiLeaks case turns to sentencing

FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) -- Acquitted of the most serious charge against him, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning still faces up to 136 years in prison for leaking government secrets to the website WikiLeaks, and his fate rests with a judge who will begin hearing arguments Wednesday in the sentencing phase of the soldier's court-martial.

The former intelligence analyst was convicted of 20 of 22 charges for sending hundreds of thousands of government and diplomatic secrets to WikiLeaks, but he was found not guilty of aiding the enemy, which alone could have meant life in prison without parole.

"We're not celebrating," defense attorney David Coombs said. "Ultimately, his sentence is all that really matters."

Military prosecutors said they would call as many as 20 witnesses for the sentencing phase. The government said as many as half of the prosecution witnesses would testify about classified matters in closed court. They include experts on counterintelligence, strategic planning and terrorism.

The judge prohibited both sides from presenting evidence during trial about any actual damage the leaks caused to national security and troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, but lawyers will be allowed to bring that up at sentencing.

The release of diplomatic cables, warzone logs and videos embarrassed the U.S. and its allies. U.S. officials warned of dire consequences in the days immediately after the first disclosures in July 2010, but a Pentagon review later suggested those fears might have been overblown.

The judge also restricted evidence about Manning's motives. Manning testified during a pre-trial hearing he leaked the material to expose U.S military "bloodlust" and diplomatic deceitfulness, but did not believe his actions would harm the country. He didn't testify during the trial, but he could take the stand during the sentencing phase.

Lisa Windsor, a retired Army colonel and former judge advocate, said the punishment phase would focus on Manning's motive and the harm that was done by the leak.

"You're balancing that to determine what would be an appropriate sentence. I think it's likely that he's going to be in jail for a very long time," said Windsor, now in private practice in Washington.

The judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, deliberated three days before reaching her verdict in a case involving the largest leak of documents in U.S. history. The case drew worldwide attention as supporters hailed Manning as a whistleblower and the U.S. government called him an anarchist computer hacker and attention-seeking traitor.

The verdict denied the government a precedent that freedom of press advocates had warned could have broad implications for leak cases and investigative journalism about national security issues.

Whistleblower advocates and legal experts had mixed opinions on the implications for the future of leak cases in the Internet age.

The advocacy group Reporters Without Borders said the verdict was a chilling warning to whistleblowers, "against whom the Obama administration has been waging an unprecedented offensive," and threatens the future of investigative journalism because intimidated sources might fall quiet.

However, another advocate of less government secrecy, Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists, questioned whether the implications will be so dire, given the extraordinary nature of the Manning case.

"This was a massive hemorrhage of government records, and it's not too surprising that it elicited a strong reaction from the government," Aftergood said.

"Most journalists are not in the business of publishing classified documents, they're in the business of reporting the news, which is not the same thing," he said. "This is not good news for journalism, but it's not the end of the world, either."

Glenn Greenwald, the journalist, commentator and former civil rights lawyer who first reported Edward Snowden's leaks of National Security Agency surveillance programs, said Manning's acquittal on the charge of aiding the enemy represented a "tiny sliver of justice."

But WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whose website exposed Manning's spilled U.S. secrets to the world, saw nothing to cheer in the mixed verdict.

"It is a dangerous precedent and an example of national security extremism," he told reporters at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, which is sheltering him. "This has never been a fair trial."

Federal authorities are looking into whether Assange can be prosecuted. He has been holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden on sex-crimes allegations.

The material WikiLeaks began publishing in 2010 documented complaints of abuses against Iraqi detainees, a U.S. tally of civilian deaths in Iraq, and America's weak support for the government of Tunisia ? a disclosure Manning supporters said helped trigger the Middle Eastern pro-democracy uprisings known as the Arab Spring.

To prove aiding the enemy, prosecutors had to show Manning had "actual knowledge" the material he leaked would be seen by al-Qaida and that he had "general evil intent." They presented evidence the material fell into the hands of the terrorist group and its former leader, Osama bin Laden, but struggled to prove their assertion that Manning was an anarchist computer hacker and attention-seeking traitor.


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Obama hosts Israeli, Palestinian peace negotiators

President Barack Obama is hosting the lead Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in newly resumed Middle East peace talks at the White House on Tuesday, officials said. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry also will take part, an administration official told Yahoo News.

The officials requested anonymity to discuss a meeting that was not on the president's public schedule.

Israel?s Haaretz newspaper reported that Obama was expected to deliver a diplomatic pep talk, urging both sides ?to exhibit goodwill and to remain focused and steadfast throughout the talks.?

Still, even if chiefly a symbolic show of support as the two sides embark on a difficult diplomatic journey, the meeting sends an unmistakable sign that the Obama administration is serious about putting its political capital on the line in search of the elusive goal of Middle East peace.

"I know the negotiations are going to be tough, but I also know that the consequences of not trying could be worse," Kerry said Monday. The former Massachusetts senator has played a critical role in restarting the process, making frequent trips to the region in an effort to pull both sides back to the negotiating table.


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India keeps interest rates on hold but rupee further sinks

Agence France-Presse

An Indian man walks outside the headquarters of the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai, India, Tuesday, July 30, 2013. The RBI kept all key interest rates unchanged Tuesday and asked the government to take urgent steps to cut down growth and boost investments. AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade

MUMBAI?India?s central bank kept benchmark interest rates unchanged Tuesday as part of its struggle to prop up the battered rupee but the currency weakened further to hover just above a lifetime low.

Deciding against a rate cut, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) made it clear its key priority right now is to support the rupee at the expense of spurring an economy that has been expanding at its weakest level in a decade.

India has been forced to ?address external sector concerns,? the bank said, as it announced it would keep its main lending rate to commercial banks?the repo?unchanged at 7.25 percent.

The RBI cut its forecast for economic growth for the current financial year to 5.5 percent from an earlier projection of 5.7 percent.

But in the absence of any fresh monetary tightening steps, the currency slid to 60.40 rupees to the dollar, close to its record low of 61.21 rupees hit earlier this month.

?The RBI has done everything to defend the rupee?but it did not hike rates,? Param Sarma, chief executive at NSP Forex, told AFP.


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Bored again: Does the iPhone lull have you checking out other phones?

With no iPhone refresh expected before the fall, do the dog days of summer have some checking out rival smartphones?

It's easy to succumb to envy in the mobile world. The iPhone 5 is currently the oldest flagship smartphone on the market. Meanwhile Android OEM's such as Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC, and Motorola seem to be releasing new phones every week. Nokia is dropping new Windows Phones fairly regularly, and even BlackBerry has put out three new phones in the last six months. Against all that, it's easy to see why gadget geeks with big phone love could be eyeing - or even trying - alternate phones while they wait. Given some thought the iPhone 5 was boring at launch, is it possible even iPhone owners are bored now?

I feel like I'm growing more and more bored with my iPhone. But my brief affairs with android never turn out well. I always come back. I've had the iPhones 4-5 with android in between. Anyone feeling the same?
Shanicenicolle, iMore forums member

The phone market is increasingly competitive and phones are even picking up elements of fashion. For those who can afford multiple phones, or people in the industry who's jobs require they own and use all the major platforms, it can certainly be nice to be able to change phones and experiences like you do clothes. Sort of like having multiple sets of jewelry, or multiple cars to drive, or hair colors to try, or anything that shakes things up.

I am finding myself bored right now and have jumped ship a few times only to come back very quickly. I again am contemplating test driving the HTC One once it arrives on Verizon. With Sense 5 covering Android it appears to make Android clean and simple but still allow for options if you so desire. If I do, I know I will likely come back, but it's nice to just scratch the itch every now and then.
bgl321, iMore forums member

Looking elsewhere isn't a bad thing. Apple would rather you didn't, of course, but for many it becomes an eye-opening experience. Working for Mobile Nations, I use all the major platforms on a daily basis, and while each one has its own advantages, each one also has its own drawbacks. There are times Android feels liberating to me, others when it frustrates me to tears.

I have the same problem. I'm bored. But I went and got the s4 and came running back to iPhone after two days. I just had too many issues with it overheating. Everything on my sd card got deleted and the camera quality wasn't as good as the iPhone 5 so I was missing that. iphonelvr, iMore forums member

For some, jailbreak seems like a happy middle-ground. There's no additional hardware expense involved, but it opens up new functionality and opportunities for customization, beyond what stock iOS allows. It does

Nope I love my iPhone and I'm mad but glad with myself that I left for a brief stint with Android cause I now truly appreciate the stability, ecosystem and just down right usability of iOS
- swarlos, iMore forums member

Ecosystem is a fine point worth making also, and something we touched upon in our recent Talk Mobile discussions. iOS and the iPhone has the exclusive benefits of Apple's vast media ecosystem. Whatever the song or album, the movie, the book, there's a pretty damn good shout that iTunes will stock it. It's the same story for apps, with an impressive and huge array of apps and games available. Looking through the Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry World in-particular, there are still some glaring gaps that need to be filled.

Nope. Not the least bit bored. I love my iPhone, and all my iOS devices, more than ever. I especially can't wait for iOS 7. It's going to make everything else look worse than it already does.
- jclisenby, iMore forums ambassador

Then, at the other end of the scale, excitement shouldn't be higher than it is right now. OK, we're still in a bit of a hardware drought, but Apple has recently unveiled the biggest new version of iOS since the iPhone first launched. Beyond a complete visual redesign, iOS 7 packs a ton of features both user-facing and under the hood that are set to transform the iOS experience all over again. Those who have tried it ? rightly or wrongly ? are excited, as are the folks who haven't. It's like we're waiting to get a brand new phone, without having to buy one. I know I'm excited, as are a whole lot of other folks in the community.

The bottom line is that no-one, not even Apple, can stop you personally getting bored by a device. It's not always a bad thing because the grass isn't always greener, and sometimes it takes trying something new to make you realize that. But, at the same time we're in the midst of exciting times for iOS. When iOS 7 hits sometime in the fall it will reinvigorate the platform and hopefully excite those who may be finding themselves hit by the boredom fairies.

There's a great discussion brewing in the iMore forums on this very topic, so be sure to jump on over there and have your say!



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How-to Buy A Luxury Car For Nuts | Fantsay Football

Posted by karon on Jul 30, 2013 in Home | Comments Off

The car auction is where many used-car dealers visit find deals due to their business. This often consists of the used-car sales manager going to the auto market and buying the cars he or she thinks will turn the greatest income due to their dealership. These vehicle deals usually take place about once per week, and might be attended by only licensed car dealers. This is not the same as an automobile market which can be visited by the general public. The main purpose of the type of automobile auction will be to allow car dealers to buy and sell used cars for their lot.

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Iran to take Chinese subway cars for oil

The Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- A senior Iranian official says the country has ordered 315 subway cars from China in place of payment for oil that can't be transferred due to sanctions.

Amir Jafarpour, who is deputy head of the Transportation and Fuel Management Committee, says officials were forced to order the coaches because billions of dollars of payments from crude oil exports to China have not been transferred to Iran because of sanctions.

Jafarpour is quoted by the conservative news website on Monday.

The U.S. and its allies have imposed oil and banking sanctions against Iran over its disputed nuclear program. Iran has frequently turned to barter arrangements because of sanctions-related difficulties with money transfers.

China is Iran's top crude oil importer.


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First Look At 'American Hustle' Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, And Christian Bale

David O. Russell is bringing together the casts of his last two films, "The Fighter" and "Silver Linings Playbook," for his latest movie, "American Hustle," due out later this year, and considering the star power of previous movies, it spells one mean ensemble for the fact-based comedy. "American Hustle" stars Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer [...]


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How Eating the Right Bacteria Could Give Your Body Superpowers

No man is an island. If anything, every man is a sentient, mobile farm for the countless quadrillions of bacteria that colonize us. And by introducing the right bacteria into that equation, you can give your body one heck of a boost.



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Neolithic farmers may have been new to the whole "raising crops" game but they quickly figured out how to increase their agricultural efficiency: literal bullcrap. And we've gotten hellaciously good in the intervening thousands of years at the art of compost. Here's how you can get in on the goods.



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Romance of Paris fades for Chinese tourists targeted by thieves

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Big spenders ? Chinese tourists carrying boutique shopping bags are easy prey for thieves, especially in the suburban hotels where they tend to stay. Photograph: Julien Chatelin/Rex Features

In China the words "Paris" or "France" are synonymous with "romantic" and the French capital is a honeymoon destination of choice. But a growing number of Chinese tourists are being robbed in Paris and France's image is taking a battering as a result.

Gan Di, a medical student, took his wife there after their June wedding. Aged 27, he belongs to the balinghou, or "post-1980" generation, those who benefited from the economic reforms of the past 20 years and now travel around the world ? as 83?million Chinese did in 2012. But his Parisian honeymoon turned sour after a ride on the Metro. "It was very crowded and they took advantage of us being pressed together," he said. The pickpockets made off with his phone and wallet.

Thefts targeting Chinese and Asian tourists have grown hugely over the past two years. The French police don't register the nationality of victims of crime, but there is no shortage of eyewitness accounts. In April, staff at the Louvre Museum went on strike because of the pickpocket invasion.

One explanation is that Chinese tourists often carry large amounts of cash. Chinese and Japanese tourists are also known to spend freely, with an average of between ?800-?1,200 ($1,000-$1,500), mostly in luxury Champs Elys?es boutiques. With expensive brand names on their shopping bags, they are an easy prey for thieves, especially in the suburban hotels where many stay.

The most audacious thefts can occur even before Chinese visitors set foot in the city, on the A1 motorway from the airport, which is notorious for traffic jams. On at least two occasions, organised gangs attacked tourist minibuses. They wait for the bus to reach a standstill, break the windows and snatch bags from terrified occupants.

The French police have been on alert since this wave of muggings started. In April they strengthened their presence at tourist sites and the number of thefts fell by 12% within a few weeks, compared with 2012 figures. However, they are helpless when faced with the professional gangs that work areas such as the Eiffel Tower.

In central Paris the pickpockets are mainly young eastern Europeans controlled by criminal networks that are hard to dismantle, especially since the thieves are teenagers and don't carry IDs. Being under age, they are released very quickly.

Furthermore, Asian tourists such as Gan Di rarely file complaints. The police station by the Eiffel Tower only gets between 60 and 80 per month. "The tourists are usually with tour operators and simply don't have two hours to spend in a police station," said Serge Leduc, head of security at the Louvre.

Tales flourish on the popular Chinese microblogging sites. Chinese-born Cai Situ, who runs an independent press agency in Paris, opened an account on the most popular one, Weibo, called "Public security news from Paris" and collects accounts of theft and muggings. On the same site, the head of an advertising agency is offering T?shirts for prospective travellers to Paris, with the French for "I only have a credit card" on them.

The increase in incidents has led to diplomatic tensions between the two countries. In June, a violent attack on six Chinese students attending a prestigious oenology school near Bordeaux further exacerbated anti-French sentiment in China, leading to criticisms of the lure of the French wine industry, so prized by Chinese investors. When 40 major Chinese business leaders visited Paris the same month, they raised the issue of security with president Fran?ois Hollande and received the special protection usually reserved for heads of state.

In 2010, the Chinese diaspora in the Belleville district of Paris demonstrated against the attacks, especially those during weddings when people traditionally offer cash gifts. Now complaint forms are available in Chinese.

The regional tourist office says that the figures show no drop in Asian visitors but the chairman, Jean-Pierre Blat, has long-term concerns: "With the growth of emerging countries, we could see between 10-15 million more tourists by 2020, and we just don't have the capacity to deal with them."

One problem is the lack of security in suburban hotels. In central Paris, hotel capacity is at saturation point and new ones can only be built outside the ring road, in precisely the areas now avoided by the Chinese tour operators. Jean-Fran?ois Zhou, the founder of Ansel Travel, says that the Chinese blacklist hotels whose clients have been the victims of theft. He now tries to get his clients into central hotels, even if it raises the cost of his services.

On 11 June the Paris police announced 26 measures to promote the safety of tourists, with a greater police presence in areas popular with Asian visitors. The long-term aim is to change their cash habits by promoting awareness and working with the Chinese, Japanese and South Korean embassies. The plan also entails more police patrols in the hotel areas of Seine-Saint-Denis outside the city proper.

The Louvre has gone one step further by setting up an international telephone line and a computer to help tourists report thefts. It is in a prominent location, under the glass pyramid.

This article appeared in Guardian Weekly, which incorporates material from Le Monde


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013


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'Who am I to judge?' pope says of gay priests

Pope Francis answers reporters questions during a news conference aboard the papal flight on its way back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013. Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten. Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil. (AP Photo/Luca Zennaro, Pool)

Pope Francis answers reporters questions during a news conference aboard the papal flight on its way back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013. Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten. Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil. (AP Photo/Luca Zennaro, Pool)

Pope Francis gestures as he answers reporters questions during a news conference aboard the papal flight on the journey back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013. Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten. Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil. (AP Photo/Luca Zennaro, Pool)

Pope Francis answers reporters questions during a news conference aboard the papal flight on the journey back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013. Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten. Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil. (AP Photo/Luca Zennaro, Pool)

Journalists prepare their questions prior to a Pope Francis' news conference aboard the papal flight on the journey back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013. Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten. Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil. (AP Photo/Luca Zennaro, Pool)

Pope Francis answers reporters questions during a news conference aboard the papal flight on the journey back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013. Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip. "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten. Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil. (AP Photo/Luca Zennaro, Pool)

(AP) ? A remarkably candid Pope Francis struck a conciliatory stance toward gays Monday, saying "who am I to judge" when it comes to the sexual orientation of priests.

"We shouldn't marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society," Francis said during an extraordinary 82-minute exchange with reporters aboard his plane returning from his first papal trip, to celebrate World Youth Day in Brazil.

"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" the pope asked.

Francis' first news conference as pope was wide-ranging and open, touching on everything from the greater role he believes women should have in the Catholic Church to the troubled Vatican Bank.

While his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, responded to only a few pre-selected questions during his papal trips, Francis did not dodge a single query, even thanking the journalist who asked about reports of a "gay lobby" inside the Vatican and allegations that one of his trusted monsignors was involved in a gay tryst.

Francis said he investigated the allegations against the clergyman according to canon law and found nothing to back them up. He took journalists to task for reporting on the matter, saying it concerned issues of sin, not crimes like sexually abusing children. And when someone sins and confesses, he said, God not only forgives ? he forgets.

"We don't have the right to not forget," he said.

While the comments did not signal a change in Catholic teaching that homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered," they indicated a shift in tone under Francis' young papacy and an emphasis on a church that is more inclusive and merciful rather than critical and disciplinary.

Francis' stance contrasted markedly with that of Benedict, who signed a document in 2005 that said men who had deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests.

Gay leaders were buoyed by Francis' approach, saying the change in tone was progress in itself, although for some the encouragement was tempered by Francis' talk of gay clergy's "sins."

"Basically, I'm overjoyed at the news," said Francis DeBernardo, executive director of the U.S.-based New Ways Ministry, a group that promotes justice and reconciliation for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and the wider church community.

"For decades now, we've had nothing but negative comments about gay and lesbian people coming from the Vatican," DeBernardo said in a telephone interview from Maryland.

The largest U.S. gay rights group, Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement that the pope's remarks "represent a significant change in tone."

Still, said Chad Griffin, the HRC president, as long as gays "are told in churches big and small that their lives and their families are disordered and sinful because of how they were born ? how God made them ? then the church is sending a deeply harmful message."

In Italy, the country's first openly gay governor, Nichi Vendola, urged fellow politicians to learn a lesson from the pope.

"I believe that if politics had one-millionth of the capacity to ... listen that the pope does, it would be better able to help people who suffer," he said.

Vendola praised the pope for drawing a clear line between homosexuality and pedophilia. "We know that a part of reactionary clerical thought plays on the confusion between these two completely different categories," he said.

Francis also said he wanted a greater role for women in the church, though he insisted "the door is closed" to ordaining them as priests. In one of his most important speeches in Rio, Francis described the church in feminine terms, saying it would be "sterile" without women.

Funny and candid, Francis' exchange with the media was exceptional. While Pope John Paul II used to have on-board talks with journalists, he would move about the cabin, chatting with individual reporters so it was hit-or-miss to hear what he said. After Benedict's maiden foreign voyage, the Vatican insisted that reporters submit questions in advance so the theologian pope could choose three or four he wanted to answer with prepared comments.

Francis did not shy away from controversial topics, including reports suggesting that a group of gay clergymen exert undue influence on Vatican policy. Italian news media reported this year that the allegations of a so-called "gay lobby" contributed to Benedict's decision to resign.

"A lot is written about this gay lobby. I still haven't found anyone at the Vatican who has 'gay' on his business card," Francis said, chuckling. "You have to distinguish between the fact that someone is gay and the fact of being in a lobby."

The term "gay lobby" is bandied about with abandon in the Italian media and is decidedly vague. Interpretations of what it means have ranged from a group of celibate gay priests who are friends, to suggestions that a group of sexually active gay priests use blackmail to exert influence on Vatican decision-making.

Stressing that Catholic teaching calls for homosexuals to be treated with dignity and not marginalized, Francis said he would not condone anyone using private information for blackmail or to exert pressure.

The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit author and commentator, saw the pope's remarks as a sign of mercy. "Today Pope Francis has, once again, lived out the Gospel message of compassion for everyone," he said in an emailed statement.

Speaking in Italian with occasional lapses in his native Spanish, Francis dropped a few nuggets of news:

? He said he is thinking about traveling to the Holy Land next year and is considering invitations from Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

? The planned Dec. 8 canonizations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII will likely be changed ? perhaps until the weekend after Easter ? because road conditions in December would be dangerously icy for people from John Paul's native Poland traveling to the ceremony by bus.

Francis also he solved the mystery that had been circulating since he was pictured boarding the plane to Rio carrying his own black bag, an unusual break with Vatican protocol.

"The keys to the atomic bomb weren't in it," Francis quipped, referring to the case that accompanies U.S. presidents with nuclear launch codes. The bag, he said, contained a razor, a prayer book, his agenda and a book on St. Therese of Lisieux, to whom he is particularly devoted.

"It's normal" to carry a bag when traveling, he said, displaying a simplicity of style that separates him from previous pontiffs, who until a few decades ago were carried around on platforms.

"We have to get used to this being normal."


Associated Press writer Frances D'Emilio contributed to this report from Rome.


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Icahn contests condition in latest Dell offer

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is warning that the latest offer from Dell's founder to buy the struggling computer maker bypasses an important shareholder safeguard.

Icahn and the investment firm Southeastern Asset Management said in a letter to a special committee of Dell Inc. board members that Michael Dell wants to circumvent the voting process behind the deal by preventing stockholders from passively dissenting on the offer.

Icahn and Southeastern are major Dell shareholders who have been leading a push to defeat Michael Dell's plan.

Last week, a group led by founder Michael Dell and the investment firm Silver Lake Partners raised their buyout offer for the Round Rock, Texas, company to $13.75 per share, up a dime from $13.65.

But they also want a change in the voting rules. They say the offer's fate must be decided by the shareholders who choose to vote either in favor of the plan or against it. Previously, non-voting shareholders were counted as opponents of the proposal.

Icahn and Southeastern said in an open letter to the board committee that they believe many Dell stockholders who oppose the deal may have not voted because they knew their inaction would count as a vote against the merger. They say the group led by Michael Dell is now essentially offering to pay a dime per share for a new voting method that prevents many stockholders from rejecting the deal.

"We trust that you will see this for what it is and recognize that proper protections for stockholders of Dell should not be offered for sale to anyone at any price," the letter stated, adding that the standard for approval that counts non-voting shares is perhaps the only safeguard for shareholders included in the deal.

A Dell spokesman declined to comment on the letter.

In a separate letter to Dell shareholders, Michael Dell and Silver Lake have said they believe the change is "fair and reasonable" to the company's other shareholders, especially given the new offer's additional 10 cents per share for the stakeholders.

Michael Dell and Silver Lake said last week that their new offer represents their "best and final proposal." It increases the total amount they are willing to pay shareholders by about $150 million, raising the value of the proposed deal to about $24.6 billion.

The vote on the offer has been delayed a couple times and is now scheduled for Friday.

Icahn and Southeastern have offered a more complicated alternative to Michael Dell's offer, but they first need to block that deal and then replace the company's board in a follow-up battle.

Michael Dell first offered to buyout his company earlier this year.

He says that he can turn around Dell by spending heavily to build better tablets while also diversifying into more profitable areas of technology, such as business software, data storage and consulting. Those changes likely will be tumultuous and temporarily lower Dell's earnings, an upheaval that Michael Dell contends will be more tolerable if the company no longer has to answer to other shareholders.

Dell shares fell 6 cents to $12.88 Monday before markets opened.

Associated Press


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'BioShock' diving back to Rapture in new chapter

This publicity photo provided by 2K Games/Irrational Games shows the video game "BioShock Infinite." Irrational Games creative director Ken Levine said Monday, July 29, 2013, that upcoming downloadable content for "BioShock Infinite" would be set in the underwater city of Rapture. (AP Photo/2K Games/Irrational Games)

This publicity photo provided by 2K Games/Irrational Games shows the video game "BioShock Infinite." Irrational Games creative director Ken Levine said Monday, July 29, 2013, that upcoming downloadable content for "BioShock Infinite" would be set in the underwater city of Rapture. (AP Photo/2K Games/Irrational Games)

(AP) ? "BioShock" is returning to the sea.

Irrational Games creative director Ken Levine says an upcoming downloadable chapter of the popular video game "BioShock Infinite" will be set in Rapture.

The fantastical underwater metropolis served as the moody locale for the original "BioShock" shoot-'em-up game in 2007. The follow-up "BioShock Infinite" was released earlier this year and traded the 1960 dystopia of Rapture for the idealistic 1912 floating city of Columbia. "Infinite" was the top selling game in March, according to NPD Group.

Levine said Monday the two-part, story-driven chapter will be titled "Burial at Sea" and feature "Infinite" protagonists Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth mysteriously meeting in the submerged city in 1958 before its demise.

"I just had this vision of Elizabeth dressed in that period looking like Veronica Lake or Rita Hayworth," said Levine. "I just said, 'I want to see that image. I want to see Elizabeth in Rapture.'"

Levine hinted the downloadable adventure would marry the two worlds, explaining how the characters don't remember each other and how the all-important vigor powers from Columbia made their way to Rapture and became drinkable. He also noted that this version of Rapture would be livelier than the one glimpsed in "BioShock" and 2010's "BioShock 2."

"We didn't have the opportunity in the first game to have civilians in Rapture," said Levine. "It just didn't exist because everyone was dead. It's been interesting to find the tone. These are the people that bought into the vision (Rapture founder) Andrew Ryan was presenting and made their life down there."

The second part of "Burial at Sea" will allow players to portray Elizabeth, the mysterious young woman who manipulates space and time in "Infinite." Originally, Elizabeth was intended to remain as a companion to Booker.

"We thought that how part one of 'Burial at Sea' ends naturally gives Elizabeth something that was important for her to do," said Levine. "It wasn't always the plan, but once it came up, we realized it had to be that way."

Despite the franchise's upcoming return trip to Rapture, the first chapter of downloadable content for "Infinite" will be planted firmly on Columbia. It's called "Clash in the Clouds" and is a fighting-focused mode set for release this week for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that takes place in four previously unseen areas of Columbia. "Burial at Sea" is expected later this year.




Follow AP Entertainment Writer Derrik J. Lang on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Kimberly Wyatt says London is her "home" now.

One of the things that has helped the city capture her heart for good is her relationship with model Max Rogers.

The Missouri-native told BANG Showbiz: "I've been here a while now. And out of anywhere in the world I feel the most at home when I'm here.

"I love the people, the culture, I love that you can walk to the stores. I love the little villages, the good food ... and my beautiful man of course!"

The 'Got To Dance' judge met Max while she was a special guest at the Clothes Show Live in 2011 and their relationship has gone from strength to strength.

Kimberly said: "We were doing Clothes Show Live together, he was the main model and I was the special guest.

"Nothing really happened at that point but about a month and a half later we were at the wrap party and started having a conversation ... and haven't stopped since."


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Wyoming Tornado 2013 Today Spotted in Laramie County

Wyoming Tornado 2013 Today Spotted in Laramie County

ST LOUIS (LALATE) ? A Wyoming tornado 2013 today was spotted moving through Laramie County. As a result, a Wyoming tornado warning has been issued for tonight July 29, 2013 by the National Weather Service. The warning is the latest after a series of other tornado alerts across the U.S. today.

The National Weather Service in Cheyenne tells news ?that at 600 PM MDT a confirmed tornado was located near federal.? The system was moving slow however. Reps tell news that it was moving only northeast at 5 mph.

As a result, NWS has issued a tornado warning until 630 PM MDT for west central Laramie County in southeast Wyoming. The system is prompting concerns through the area. NWS adds ?To repeat? a tornado is on the ground. Take cover now. Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building?. The locations possibly impacted today may include ?rural areas of western Laramie County?, reps also add.

In related news, earlier today, a tornado warning was issued for Comanche County in KS until 5:30 PM CDT. Additionally a warning for Barber and Comanche Counties in KS was in place until 6:00 PM CDT. No other active tornado warning remains in place currently as of 8 PM EST tonight.

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From the Forums: The AC staff show their home screens

From the Forums

We Android users love to set up our devices just right, with everything we want or need within easy reach right from our home screens. We also like to share and compare with each other, and enjoy looking at some of the more exotic setups some folks have going on.

Someone asked the other day, wondering what the AC staff's home screens looked like. I sent a shout out to the forum mods and blog writers to send me a quick snap, without doing any tidying up. So here you go, and feel free to give us a few pointers while you're in there.

The AC staff home screen thread




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Nexus 7 review (2013)

Nexus 7 review 2013

Who knew affordable tablets could be so good? That was our reaction after reviewing the original Nexus 7 when it went on sale last year for $200; at the time, comparably specced products were going for at least $100 more. So, when this year's follow-up came out at a slightly higher price ($229 and up), we were a little concerned the higher cost would dissuade penny-pinching shoppers from taking the plunge.

After we got a good look at the spec sheet, though, we quickly forgave Google and ASUS for their decision. For the money, you get a gorgeous 1,920 x 1,200 IPS display, 2GB of RAM, a rear camera, a quad-core processor, wireless charging and the latest version of Android, Jelly Bean 4.3. Now that we've had the opportunity to take the new and improved Nexus 7 for a spin, we're ready to tackle all the obvious questions: is this still the best budget tablet on the market? How does it compare to the iPad mini? And does the spec sheet actually reflect real-world performance? Let's find out.

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How Much Happens on the Internet Every 60 Seconds?

How Much Happens on the Internet Every 60 Seconds?

Think about your activity on the internet at any given minute?chances are it's all over the place. You could very easily be jumping from Twitter to Facebook, listening to Spotify, shooting off an email, downloading a movie, reading a news site, Googling background info to better understand aforementioned news site, and that's just on a slow day. Now extrapolate that out to the billions of people online every minute of every day. So suffice it to say, the internet's pretty bumpin' on a consistent basis. But just how bumpin', you ask?




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