Sunday, September 30, 2012

Video: Who?s to blame for Romney?s sagging performance?

>>> back to politics. two competing reports out today on why governor romney is having such a tough election fight. the political article we just talked about argues that romney himself is to blame for his campaign trouble and not the actual campaign apparatus. the headline from gives the total opposite view , essentially. saying, quote, sorry, it's not romn romney 's fault. who is to blame for his sagging performance? steve kornacki wrote that aforementioned article. he's co-host of "the cycle" that comes on at 3:00 on msnbc. tell me, where should republicans be pointing the finger if governor romney coming up short first fuse in november?

>> i would say at themselves. there are obvious deficiencies with mitt romney as a candidate. i wouldn't deny that.

>> the party itself is to blame?

>> with the party -- romney is the representative of what this party has decided it wants to be. what the republican party basically decided in the obama era fingerprints to be is an anti- obama party. they've existed on, you know, the economy is bad. you're the average voter. you don't like where it is. just blame obama and use as the protest vehicle. to the extent they've decided to stand for anything, they move forward and farther to the right than they were under george w. bush and the republican congress in the 1990s . it left romney with this choice to run on their ideology, which is toxic to general election voters, or he can just run as -- if you don't like obama , just vote for me. i'm not going to fill in the blanks for you. that's what he chose.

>> you claim the gop has not come to grips with the bush years.

>> that's it. when obama came on to office, republicans made two decisions. one was they would fight obama on everything unilaterally. they treat him as this extremist, aradical, far left president and they do that. the other thing was they had to explain how a guy like that could get elected president. what they decided is obama became president because george w. bush in their view wasn't conservative enough.

>> he was not ideologically pure enough?

>> he sold out the conserve it active cause and dpagave it a bad name and gave rise it to obama .

>> you called it the single most effective line of the convention. i want to play it for our audience and talk about it. here it is.

>> no president, no president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years.

>> what makes that such an effective line?

>> that's just it. if you're romney and you've basically decided you can't run on the ideological program that the republicans in the house have been pushing for the last couple of years, then you're left with, swing voter , you don't like where the country is economically. use me at your protest vehicle. unemployment has been over 8% now for more than three years. there's a chance of that working, but the problem is context. what clinton expressed there is the context that sort of -- that obama is relying on voters understanding. yes, unemployment is persistly high and it's over 8% for three years. there's a reason for that. it has to do with the catastrophe that took place under obama 's predecessor's watch. if you understand where we are now in the context of that, you're less likely as a voter to blindly blame obama . if our romney and rely on the blind of obama , you're in trouble. it has never been good enough to get him into the lead.

>> bill clinton is saying i may be the best plummer you've ever seen, but the pipes in this house were so bad, not even i or anyone else i know could fix the pipes, huh?

>> yeah. that's a compelling message.

>> steve kornacki, thank you so much. we'll give you a few minutes to regroup and come back at 3:00. 25% of the cycle, 3:00 eastern right here on msnbc.


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